Individual Support: Ageing
Part 1: Working in aged care
1. Working in aged care
2. Working legally and ethically
3. Working safely
4. Communicating in the workplace
5. Respecting diversity
Part 2: General care
6. Providing care and support
7. Promoting choice and self-determination
8. Promoting independence and wellbeing
9. Supporting carers and families
10. Assisting with meals
Part 3: Special care
11. Providing person-centred care to people with dementia
12. Caring for people with a life-limiting illness
13. Recognising falls risks
14. Responding to signs of abuse and neglect
Part 4: Health
15. Understanding the human body
16. Preventing and controlling infection
17. Assisting with medications
This exciting new text has been specifically developed for Ageing specialization ofthe new CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support. It is theonly text on the market written at this level for students seeking careers inthe Aged Care sector, bringing clarity and relevance for this increasinglyimportant area of work.
Written with the learner in mind, pedagogical elements, such as Industryin Focus boxes and Workplace Scenarios, are spacedregularly through the chapters to allow the student to see how the material isrelevant in the aged care sector and workplace. Review questions within thebody and at the end of each chapter highlight a simple learning framework thathas been proved to work.
Current and relevant to industry standardsand practice, the text has been written to address the core Individual Supportunits of Competency, the three Ageing specialization units, plus seven commonlydelivered electives.
Accompanied by a comprehensive suite ofInstructor Resources including Worksheets, PowerPoints, Teacher Resource Manualand mapping.
The design of the questions in the text,answers provided in the TRM, and worksheets, offer a wide range of tools thatmay be incorporated into formal assessments.